Tesla Cars Hitting Emergency Vehicles

Tesla Cars Hitting Emergency Vehicles. Jesus, Teslas whack a lot less emergency workers per mile driven than other cars. Why aren't you smart enough to recognize sensational headlines pushed by a political agenda?

First, they run into emergency vehicles less than human drives do. Tesla has announced a move to a vision-only sensor suite in its cars, amid a greater roll-out of FSD Beta versions. But while it says that its data shows cars using Autopilot have fewer accidents "NHTSA is zeroing in on a particular danger that Tesla creates for people outside the vehicle — ie, those who never agreed to be Autopilot 'guinea.

But while it says that its data shows cars using Autopilot have fewer accidents "NHTSA is zeroing in on a particular danger that Tesla creates for people outside the vehicle — ie, those who never agreed to be Autopilot 'guinea.

It will be the broadest look yet at Tesla's assisted-driving technology.

What do you assume? "It's so fortunate that the emergency automobiles had been already proper there." Tesla is under investigation because its cars keep hitting emergency vehicles. Tesla is under investigation by the Federal safety regulators which was a result of Tesla cars using Autopilot or other self-driving features that crashed into emergency vehicles when coming upon the scene of an earlier crash. Not hard to find headlines like these.
