Tesla Cars Banned By China Military. The move is the latest sign of China's growing scrutiny of the U. The order, issued by the military, advises Tesla owners to park their cars outside of military property.

The Chinese military has banned Tesla cars from entering its complexes, citing security concerns over cameras installed on the vehicles, two people who Separately, the Wall Street Journal reported that China's government was restricting use of Tesla cars by personnel at military, state-owned.
Privacy concerns lead China's decision to ban Tesla vehicles from being near their military bases.
A directive is said to have been circulated by the military advising Tesla owners to park their vehicles away from military property. "If Tesla used cars to spy in China or anywhere, we will get shut down." Sources told Reuters on Friday that the Chinese military has banned Tesla cars from He was holding a discussion panel with Xue Qikun, a Chinese quantum physicist who heads the Southern University of Science and Technology. Tesla Inc. cars have been banned from Chinese military complexes and housing compounds because of concerns about sensitive data being A representative for Tesla in China declined to comment on the military's move. We would do the same to a Chinese or Russian car equipped with cameras sending information back to their countries.